Seena Elbaum
Birth Doula/Educator, Mental Health Therapist located in Philadelphia, PA

Mind-Body-Food is my new baby. As all babies do, it will grow. My inspiration for it came from a newsletter called, ‘Brain Food’ and it has become a reliable simple pleasure. It’s clever, clear, creative and kind. It feeds me. Now it’s my turn to feed you. I love to write. Always have. I love to educate people. I love to connect people to information that is full of mindful practicality and heart. This newsletter came about to achieve just that. I want to reach people everywhere and share useful ideas that will nourish you head to heart to the soles of the feet. My vision is to spread positive practices and ideas that relate to all human beings who are trying to make better sense of things in a complicated world.
My hope is that you feel well fed,and there are no dishes left in your sink or mine.
Please be kind and share this newsletter with your friends!